Animal Technology
Do you love animals and want to make it your career?
This is a huge industry and covers everything from caring for rabbits, cats and dogs, right through to horses, cattle and other large animals.
Students can learn
- Basic health and safety which can be applied to any job
- Health and wellbeing of animals
- Provide first aid to sick or injured animals
- Perform examinations, collect samples and dispense health products
- Assist with surgery
- Recognising and understanding problem behaviours
- Pregnancy and breeding practices
- Safely move and handle animals
- Reception duties
- And more!
Jobs for graduates
- Pet Shops
- Pet Grooming
- Pet Day Care and Boarding Centres
- Animal Rescue Centres
- Animal Breeders
- Vet Clinic
- Farm Assistant
- Horse Stud or Racing Stables
- Greyhound Racing
- Animal Training
- Lifestyle Block